McCreight Lake

Mccreight Lake


McCreight Lake is just a short drive north of Campbell river and part of a chain of unconnected lakes (Roberts, Stella, Pye and McCreight Lake) that are all well worth the visit. McCreight Lake is a deep lake favoured by fishermen year-round. At the Western end of the lake, where Armor De Cosmos Creek flows into McCreight, there’s a gorgeous sandy beach which is a great place to spend a summer afternoon. There are also wild blueberries to be found there, growing along the shoreline!

Latitude: 50.301071

Longitude: -125.642757

Size: 282.4 ha | 698 ac | 2.8 km²

Direction: From Campbell River, head north on Highway 19 for 41 km. Turn right onto Rock Bay Road (gravel). McCreight Lake is the third recreation site on the left (6 or 7 km from the highway).

External Links


McCreight Lake Map

Canoe & Kayak Vancouver Island