Cowichan Lake

Cowichan Lake


Cowichan Lake is a vast and stunningly beautiful lake. It is the second largest freshwater lake on southern Vancouver Island, after Kennedy Lake near Tofino. Along long with Shawnigan Lake, Cowichan Lake has been one of the primary the recreation hubs for Southern Vancouver Island and is consequently a very busy lake, at least during the summer months. Development in recent years has consumed much of the shore line but with a little work it’s still possible to find lots of places to pull out for a swim, a picnic or possibly off road camping. Like so many of our island lakes, Cowichan Lake can be a windy place in the afternoon.Under construction

Latitude: 48.872877

Longitude: -124.262546

Size: 6248.6 ha | 15441 ac | 62.5 km²

Lake Cowichan SignDirection: Just North of Duncan turn West onto the Cowichan Valley Highway (Hwy #18). Follow the highway for aproximately 42 km (26 mi) until you see the welcome sign for the town of Lake Cowichan. For the North shore turn right onto Youbou Road. For the South shore continue on through the town onto South Shore Rd.

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Cowichan Lake Map


Cowichan Lake


Cowichan Lake Map


Canoe & Kayak Vancouver Island